Counselling & Rehabilitation

NACADA liaises with both public and private institutions to provide and facilitate the development and operation of treatment and rehabilitation facilities, programs and standards for persons suffering from Substance Use Disorders (SUDs).

counselling & rehabilitation

Inspection and Accreditation of Treatment and Rehabilitation facilities

To ensure quality treatment and rehabilitation services to persons with substance use disorders, NACADA inspects treatment and rehabilitation facilities after which an accreditation certificate is given to the rehabs. Inspections are carried out on an ad-hoc basis to entrench professionalism in the industry and ensure the service standards as well as appropriate facilities are maintained as per the National Standards for Persons with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs).

Check list of Accredited Rehabs by County here. 


Basic Universal Treatment Curriculum Training Program for Addiction Professionals

NACADA offers the Basic Universal Treatment Curriculum Training Program for Addiction Professionals in three phases. This is a certification course is meant to ensure that all Addiction Professionals acquire the set competencies and skills thereby complying with the National Standards for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Persons with Substance Use Disorders. 


24-Hour Free Helpline Service number, 1192 

Trained professional Helpline Counselors provide adequate information on alcohol and drug abuse; offer basic counseling to persons abusing alcohol and other drugs and their affected families and also give informed referrals to treatment or counseling centers for personalized attention to persons abusing alcohol or drugs who can call in day or night. Services offered include telephone counseling and referrals for alcohol, drug and substance use disorders.

Summary of services offered

  • Telephone counseling and general information provision 
  • Counseling and referrals on drug and substance abuse issues
  • Referrals on alcohol and drug abuse health-related issues, etc.
  • Walk-in clients who need one on one counseling on drug and substance abuse issues

Since its launch on 1st April 2010, the helpline has served over 500,000 clients. 


Since its launch on 1st April 2010, the helpline has served over 500,000 clients to date. Trained professional Helpline Counselors provide adequate information on alcohol and drug abuse; offer basic counseling to persons abusing alcohol and other drugs and their affected families and also give informed referrals to treatment or counseling centres for personalized attention to persons abusing alcohol or drugs who can call in day or night. 

The National Standards for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Persons with Substance Use Disorders

Abridged Version- The National Standards for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Persons with Substance Use Disorders

Checklist: National Standards for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Persons with Substance Use Disorders 

Kenya GoK Treatment Admission Form excel

Report any facility that mistreats any person suffering from Substance Use Disorder using our free helpline service number 1192. The service is free on Safaricom and Telkom.